Recently I had been to a school for counselling child volunteers. I got an opportunity to interact with some SLC graduated students. They were with many intriguing questions about their CAREER DILEMMA. I enjoyed sharing my experience with them.

Most of them were confused to either pursue their passion or go for a subject which many people around them suggests to be secure and would pay them with better financial rewards in career.

I don’t say not to follow your passion. But it must be realistic, based on your values and ability. Will your passion allow you to live the way you want? Some students don’t even know at what they best fit on. What if you have a great responsibility in your family but your passion lead you to a financial burden?  What if you do not get a job after your degree or if the subject you choose doesn’t have a good scope? Some passions are ‘NOT WORTH TO BE’ pursued a University Degrees. They can’t provide you with good opportunities of employment. Later you may end up regretting or switching a career but remember, you may miss several opportunities.

This doesn’t mean you must do what you are not meant for. Yes, this is perhaps the best time to follow your dream. Learn the opportunities before you quit a field you love very much. Convince your parents about how necessary it is for you to follow your passion. Be strong, work hard, and explore its prospects.

Still if you think your passion can’t provide you what you want, DEVELOP A NEW PASSION. Yes it is possible for your age. Don’t be emotional, be smart. The subject you choose now also set a path for what you will be doing next in your life. You can pursue your passion in other ways too. Take trainings, you can make your passion an avocation. Or pick a subject with diverse field with better possibilities and also cover your passion.


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