It is awesome, I mean beyond my expectation.

Finished reading your book. It is too good. I am reading it again. You have mentioned even minute things of your life so pleasantly. Few chapters are very sensitive and most of them are funny and exciting. Conversation with Preethi is too sweet. I want to know more about it from you.
Sangai padheko sano-fuchhey sathi writer vaisakyo. Time flows so fast.

- Poonam Paudel (Social Work student cum youth volunteer)

It is awesome, I mean beyond my expectation. Just finished reading a half of it. It is so cute-witty-entertaining. I laughed reading it alone. I can’t sleep unless I go through the last page of your little secrets. Thanks for writing such a wonderful book.

- Romi Ghimire (Miss Teen 'O14)

Got no patience to get your autograph so that I can start reading ‘Those Little Secrets’. Waiting for the day you visit Dhading.

- Nabina Miya (Student/ passionate reader)

I felt like if I had not attended the release day launch program of ‘Those Little Secrets’ I’d have really missed something good in my life.

- Suprabha Adhikari (Medical Student)

Duty ma padhdai xu. It is very well written, interesting and touchy. I almost cried when your mom hugged you as you were weeping after you got punished by your dad for your foolhardiness. Conversations and the depth of writing is so sweet that I have conversed some dialogues with one of my friend in US.

- Briddhi Shrestha (Medical Student)


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